Reliable Barrier with CleanSpace Liner
With our CleanSpace Encapsulation Liner the crawl space is protected using a reliable barrier that is extremely hard to rip or tear after being installed unlike other conventional plastic liners.

Keeping our Unwanted Elements with CleanSpace
The CleanSpace Encapsulation System keeps out harmful elements such as water which can cause high humidity leading to mold growth in the crawl space of the home.

Preventing Mold with CleanSpace
Using our CleanSpace Encapsulation System we are able to prevent mold in the crawl space of the home by preventing high humidity which hinders mold growth in the home.

Walking and Storage in the Crawl Space
With our CleanSpace Encapsulation System Liner the homeowner is able to walk and store items on the liner which is made up of durable materials unlike conventional vapor barrier systems.

Getting Rid of Damp and Musty Smells
Our CleanSpace Encapsulation System get rid of the damp and musty smells that are usually associated with the crawl space of the home.

Installing CleanSpace Liner
The Crawl Space of a home can be a tight space that has many obstacles that can hinder a traditional vapor barrier from being installed correctly. But with our CleanSpace Encapsulation System our patented liner and materials are able to be cut and securely fastened together using our CleanSpace Tape to fit under or around any area of the crawl space.

Keeping the Crawl Space Warm
After a CleanSpace Encapsulation System is installed, the home becomes more energy efficient by sealing our the cold area from the crawl space.

Duct Leakage now your Friend
HVAC duct leakage in the home only serves to distribute damp, moldy air though out a dirt crawl space. However with our CleanSpace Encapsulation System we are able to distribute conditioned air from the HVAC system into the crawl space and serves as a supplied way to heat the floors of the home.

Paying for Itself
Our CleanSpace Encapsulation System pays for it self by saving money each month in energy cost and the home owner avoids costly wood rot and mold repair over the life time of the home. Eventually he savings are more then what the system itself cost to install.

Saving Money on Energy Cost
A properly encapsulated crawl space can save a homeowner 15-20% on their heating and cooling cost a year by having a CleanSpace Encapsulation System installed.