Installing CleanSpace
Three things destroy materials crawl spaces- water, heat and ultraviolet radiation with the CleanSpace Crawl Space Encapsulation System installed we are able to protect the crawl space from these things.

Getting Rid of Dirt Crawl Space
A dirt crawl space do not have be wet or full of water to be extremely unhealthy, we are able to transform the crawl space to a healthy space with the CleanSpace Crawl Space Encapsulation System.

Bye Bye Bugs
Insects love damp environment and wet materials, with the CleanSpace Crawl Space Encapsulation System we are able to get rid of the damp conditions of the crawl space so that insects won't dare to enter.

Saving Money
Heating and cooling cost in a dirt crawl space are higher then by having a CleanSpace Crawl Space System installed. Homeowners can expect to save 15-20% on their electric bill.