Before Encapsulation
Before the CleanSpace Crawl Space Encapsulation, the crawl space of this Clayton, NC home did not even have a vapor barrier installed.

Signs of Moisture Issues
Even though the homeowner didn't think he had a moisture problem in the crawl space of the home, our inspector was able to tell that there was a moisture issue from the sagging and falling insulation from the floor joist.

Increasing the Life of the HVAC System
By installing the CleanSpace Crawl Space Encapsulation System, we are able to increase the life of the HVAC system located in the crawl space of the home by letting the unit run more efficiently.

Improved Air Quality in the Home
Over 30% of the air that homeowner breaths on the first floor of a home with a crawl space are from the crawl space. By encapsulating the crawl space with the CleanSpace Crawl Space Encapsulation System we are able to reduce mold, bacteria, and other allergens that can impact the indoor air quality.

Better then Fiberglass Insulation
The SilverGlo Insulation installed with the CleanSpace Crawl Space Encapsulation System is a better option than traditional fiberglass insulation. Unlike traditional insulation SilverGlo Insulation is able to shed the moisture and water instead of soaking it up. Making it more practical insulation for the crawl space.

Reduce Moisture in the Crawl Space
By sealing off the crawl space with the CleanSpace Encapsulation System we are able to reduce moisture and humidity in the crawl space.

Keeping Bugs and Critters Out of the Crawl Space
The CleanSpace Encapsulation System keeps bugs and critters out of the crawl space of the home.