Photo Album: Repairing Foundation Settlement Issues in Dunn, NC
Due to foundation settlement, cracks appeared on the customer's brick foundation. These cracks were several inches long and clearly visible. To fix the cracks and stabilize the foundation, ensuring structural integrity, the customer contacted our office for help. After a thorough assessment, it was determined the visible cracks on the customer's brick foundation, indicated foundation settlement. These cracks were a clear sign that the foundation was shifting and settling. Our foundation Helical Pier System was installed deep into the ground until they reach stable soil. The helical plates on the piers act like screws, providing stability and support to the foundation. This helps transfer the weight of the structure to the stable soil, preventing further settlement. Once the installation was complete, the site was inspected to ensure the foundation is stable and secure.
Installing Pier
Use a hydraulic torque motor to screw the helical pier into the ground until it reaches the desired depth and torque.
Upon completion, the team backfilled the excavated areas and ensure the site is restored to its original condition.
Attaching Bracket
Attach the bracket or cap to the top of the pier, connecting it to the structure's foundation.
Long Foundation Crack
Long cracks in this brick foundation indicated this home fell victim to a settlement issue due to soil movement or uneven compaction.